Error messages when connecting to a session
  • 14 Oct 2024
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Error messages when connecting to a session

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Article summary

This article explains system messages that an end-customer or agent might receive when unsuccessfully attempting to access a session:

Link has expired


Customer access to the session as configured under System Settings > Session > Customer access duration has expired.


  • The customer can click the Send New Link button to receive a new link to the session.

  • The agent or developer (API) can send new content to the session, triggering a notification email with a new link to be sent to the customer automatically.

Session has expired

The customer session has been configured to end when the agent leaves the collaboration room.  

The session cannot be renewed.


The agent can create a new session, triggering a new invitation to be sent.

Access denied

Reason 1

Customer has opened the link from a second device.

For security reasons, Lightico limits access to a collaboration session to the first device used. This message appears when a customer opens the link on one device (e.g., phone) and attempts to access it from another (e.g., PC).

Likewise, switching browsers (e.g., from Chrome to Safari) is also restricted.


Instruct the customer to return to the session on the original device. If that's not feasible, the agent should create a new session and send fresh invitations.

Reason 2

Cookies are disabled on the end-customer's browser.

Lightico uses cookies to identify and validate access to the secure collaboration session. If cookies are disabled, access to the session is denied.


Advise end-customer to enable cookies on their browser.

Session closed


An agent may receive this message when the connection via Websocket protocol has timed out.

A customer in the session at the same time may receive the  Connection Closed message.


Refresh the browser page or log in again.

Connection closed


A customer may receive this message when the connection via Websocket protocol has timed out. It sometimes occurs if the same session has been opened in another browser tab on the same device.


Refresh the browser page.

Service down


Lightico is performing maintenance or is experiencing connectivity issues in its platform.


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