Release March 27, 2022
  • 30 Mar 2022
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  • PDF

Release March 27, 2022

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  • PDF

Article Summary

What's New

This release includes the following new features:

Generate a download only document via API

Document templates defined as "download only" do not require "approval" or "signing". With this release, these "download only" templates, can be added to a session and generated as completed documents via API. This enables the business to design a PDF template with dynamic attributes, and then to add the template to a session, set the attributes values, and update the document status to complete. This will generate a downloadable copy of the document to be used in cases where eSign is not in compliance (e.g DMV).

Create & manage Lightico users in SF

You can now create Lightico users from your Salesforce environment in the new Lightico settings Users tab. Search for and select one or multiple active Salesforce users, add them as Lightico users, and assign Lightico roles and teams.

Fixes and Improvements

[Document] When a ' character is entered in a form, form information no longer disappears from the final document.

[Payment] The currency symbol is positioned correctly, to the left.

[User Experience] When accessing an expired session, the customer is now redirected to the configured end session URL.

[User Experience] When form information is not saved to the session the customer is notified to repeat the step.

[User Experience] Admin can control if customers are able to download a completed document.

[User Admin] When an admin changes the user's password or when creating a new user, the user must change their password upon first login.

[Workflows] Repeatable sections are now rendered correctly in the visual cart.

[Workflows] In a visual cart, row objects can now be controlled by checkbox selections.

[Workflows] Deleting text in a table cell no longer removes attributes in the HTML template editor.

[Workflows] Conditional display of objects in a dynamic HTML can now be configured using the API Set Session attributes.

[Payment hubs] Payment processor URL are now stored in Lightico repository to eliminate the option of having not allowed URL typed using the integration hub.

[ICOM integration] Recurring method of payment is now working properly.

[ICOM integration] ACH now allows recurring options to proceed.

[ICOM integration] Customer was not able to enter decimal values, it is fixed now.

Release timeline

March 27, 2022
6:00 AM UTC
April 3, 2022
9:00 PM UTC
April 5, 2022
11:00 PM UTC


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