Introduction to Forms
  • 10 Mar 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Introduction to Forms

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Article summary

Forms are one of the basic elements in a Lightico customer journey. They enable capturing information from the customer or agent during a collaboration session.

Form as it appears on a customer mobile device

As part of a Workflow, the information collected in Forms can be used to:

  • Customize a document

  • Decide the path of a Workflow

  • Record customer data in your CRM

Attribute fields

All fields in a Form are bound to Lightico Attributes. This means that the data captured in each field is tagged in order that it can be easily accessed and used in a collaboration session.

For example, when your customer fills in his date of birth in the Form, the date can be used in the following ways:

For more information about Attributes, see Understanding Attributes.

To learn about building Forms, see Create a Form and the other articles in this section that explain advanced features.

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