Release Feb 5, 2023
  • 05 Feb 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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  • PDF

Release Feb 5, 2023

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  • PDF

Article summary

What's New

This release includes the following new features:

Campaign Tool

Introducing our new tool for creating batch sessions. Create a workflow, upload your contact list, and run the campaign. All contacts receive an invitation to a new session where the workflow is waiting for them to complete. Track the progress of the campaign on the Campaign Manager page.

For more information, see Run a campaign.

New PDF Builder

Experience our more intuitive UI for configuring your PDF documents to be completed in a Lightico session. During the Beta period, you'll be able to choose to use the old PDF builder or the new one.

For a more extensive overview of the upgrades, see New PDF Builder - Feb 5, 2023.

And see our fully updated documentation section starting here - New PDF Builder: Getting started with the PDF Builder.

Fixes and Improvements

  • [Workflows] Now you can set conditions in a visual cart workflow based on which journey/form is selected by the agent. (see Create a visual cart)
  • [Workflows] Completed documents will now be emailed to an end-customer in a self-service workflow when send option is selected.
  • [Workflows] When creating or editing an attribute that uses the Data Source option, the Create Manually selection will no longer create a dataset in the Dataset list. 
  • [Workflows] Sessions with customer attachment disabled configuration can now also use photo ID verifiction in a workflow.
  • [Workflows] The status of a workflow containing co-signer documents will now be considered complete only after all co-signers complete their documents. 
  • [Workflows] Agents can now send workflows containing an agent form to a session.  
  • [Workflows] Added improvements that ensure workflow names are properly saved in the session data. 
  • [Workflows] UI improvements when using Tick box HTML template in a workflow with Hebrew language settings. 
  • [Configuration] A configurator can now bind attributes linked to a Dataset to an agent side field. 
  • [Configuration] When using a Mac to configure shared assets, the font size now display at the correct size.
  • [Notifications] In some cases, completed documents were sent to an end-customer when using Lightico's Campaign tool. This is now fixed.
  • [Reports] Sessions with purged files can now be opened from the History page.
  • [Administration] Resolved the issue causing an error when entering the Dashboard page. 
  • [Salesforce] Salesforce fields from related objects are now updated when values are changed in a Lightico session.
  • [API] In the Create Session endpoint, the size of an SMS text message has now increased from 140 to 700 characters.
  • [API] customerData set via API can now be configured in a dynamic HTML template using an Is Empty / Is Not Empty condition.

Release timeline

February 05, 2023
7:00 AM UTC
February 06, 2023
10:00 PM UTC
February 08, 2023
12:00 AM UTC


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