General session preferences
  • 08 Jul 2024
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General session preferences

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Article summary

This article explains system settings for general preferences that affect how a session functions. You can configure these settings in the Session > Preferences section.

Customer reengagement

Select one of the following to define what happens when an agent starts a session with a customer email or phone number used in a previous session:

  • Continue previous conversation - The existing session opens with all the previous interactions.

  • Start new conversation - A clean session opens for this email / phone number.

Single active session

Activate this settings to prevent agents from opening more than one session at a time.

Inactive agent message

To show a message to customers as they enter the session for when the agent is inactive:

  1. Turn the toggle on.

  2. Enter the message in the field and click Done.

Cookie disclaimer

Activate this settings to display a disclaimer about cookies the first time customers enter a session.

Auto open assets and Workflows

This feature creates a more focused and streamlined session experience, especially when there's only one interaction in the collaboration room. Typically, a customer enters a session and needs to click Start to enter into an interaction. With the auto open feature enabled, upon clicking the session link, customers bypass the collaboration room and enter directly into the first interaction.

If there is more than one interaction in the session, only after completing all interactions is the customer taken to the collaboration room.


This feature supports eSigns, Document Requests, and Workflows. Stand-alone payments are not supported.

To auto open assets and Workflows:

In System settings > Session >  Preferences > Auto open assets and Workflows, turn on the toggle.
All session will now auto open.


These settings can also be configured according to team. Team settings override System settings. For more information, see Use session settings from a different team.

Engagement channels

Engagement channels, or how invitations and notifications are sent to session participants is an essential part of completing customer journeys. By default, the agent selects the engagement channel by clicking the engagement channel toggle in the New Session dialog box and entering either the customer’s email or phone number. An invitation is automatically sent via the selected channel.

New Session dialog - engagement channel toggle

In addition to the invitation to join the session, the selected engagement channel (email or text message) is also used throughout the session for other communication such as:

  • Reminders about unfinished business in the session

  • Notifications about updates to the session

Engagement channel system settings

There are settings that help you customize the way you engage with your customers. You’ll find these settings in system and team settings under Session > Preferences > Engagement channels. See below for explanations of the settings.

Use embedded sessions

If you send session invitations from a third-party provider, you can activate the following settings to prevent a duplicate invitation from being sent:

  • Use embedded session - Lightico will NOT send an invitation to the customer when the agent starts a session

  • Copy session URL - (optional when using embedded sessions) agent can copy a URL for the customer UI and share it with the customer

For an illustration of the agent console when embedded sessions is activated, see Manage sessions.

Text messages

If you need to avoid sending text messages because of regulations or some other reason, click the SMS toggle to disable all text messages from being sent to your customer.

When text messages are disabled, all options to send invitations and other communications by text are removed from the agent and customer UI. This includes typical and pre-planned sessions, re-engage, inviting additional participants, assigning, and reassigning.

New Session dialog with no text message option

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