Use session settings from a different team
  • 13 Mar 2023
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Use session settings from a different team

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Article summary

Every agent is part of a team and each team has unique settings defined in the system, including access to specific assets and workflows. When an agent from one team (for example, Team 1) needs to enter a session on behalf of a different team (for example, Team 2), the agent can use the other team's settings for that particular session.

Enable team selection

To enable agents to use a different team's setting for a session:

  • Go to System settings ⇾ Session ⇾ Conversation behaviors ⇾ Agent ⇾ Use session settings from a different team, and turn on the toggle. 

Define team selection options

You can define (globally and per team), which of the teams is an option for selection at the beginning of a session. For example, you may want to limit the customer service team to your customer service team settings, but you want the sales team to have access to both customer service and sales team settings.

To define teams selection options:

  1. In System Settings, click the edit icon for Use Available Teams for Selection.

    The selection window appears.

  2. Select the relevant teams and click Done.
    The selected teams define which are available for all teams.

  3. If desired, turn on the toggle for New teams will be automatically available for selection.
    Now, when you add a new team it will automatically be available to agents when starting a session. If the toggle is off, then when you add a new team you would need to select it  (like above) before it would be available to agents.

  4. To define selection options for a specific team, go to Team Settings for that team.

  5. Go to  Session ⇾ Conversation behaviors ⇾ Agent and clear the Use system settings checkbox.

  6. Click the edit icon for Use Available Teams for Selection.

  7. Select the relevant teams and click Done.
    The selected teams define which are available for this team.

Settings not affected by team change

The following settings that relate to agent behavior are not affected when the agent uses different team settings:

  • Session history - The session history that the agent sees in the My history pane is based on Team 1 settings. For example, under my team, the agent sees Team 1 sessions.
  • Language - During the session, the agent's language is defined by their original team settings (Team 1) but the customer language is defined by the new team settings (Team 2).
  • Single active session - If Team 1's settings prevents agents opening more than one session at a time (System settings ⇾ Session ⇾  Preferences ⇾  Single active session), this setting will still apply to the agent.
  • End session behavior - Team 1's end session behavior settings (System settings ⇾ End session behavior) still apply to the agent. When the session ends, the agent will be redirected to whatever page is defined in Team 1's settings.
  • System records - In the usage reports (Reports ⇾ Usage reports), the session is still recorded as a Team 1 session, even though Team 2 settings are used.

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