Managing Workflows
  • 08 Feb 2024
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Managing Workflows

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Article summary

Workflows unlock the real power of completing customer journeys, and it's important to be able to effectively manage your Workflows so that you can create, store, and later find the Workflows you need for each situation. In this article, we explain the options and some of the best practices for managing your Workflows.

For information about creating Workflows, see Create Workflows.

Organizing your Workflow directory

The following are some general tips and best practices for organizing your Workflow directory:

  • Prioritize folders based on importance or frequency of use.

  • Create subfolders within main folders to further categorize Workflows.

  • Use descriptive names for folders and Workflows to make them easily identifiable.

  • Create a Workflows in Progress and an Archive folder so that you can hide Workflows that are not yet ready to show to agents or those that have been removed. See below how to hide and how to move folders.

  • Regularly review and rearrange folders and Workflows to ensure optimal organization.

Creating Workflow folders

Before creating and saving a Workflow, it's helpful to create folders in your Workflow directory. 

To create Workflow folders:

  1. In the Lightico Administration page, in the left pane, click Workflow.

    The Workflows page opens.

  2. Click the add folder icon in the top right.

    The New folder name window appears.

  3. Name the folder and click Done.

  4. Create other folders as required.

To create a sub-folder:

  1. Double-click the folder in which you'd like to create the sub-folder.

  2. Click the add folder icon and name the folder in the New folder name window.

    The sub-folder is created.

Defining Workflow visibility

Lightico enables you to control which Workflow folders an agent sees in the agent console. This is important for focusing agent collaboration sessions with your customers by only showing the Workflows each agent needs. Workflow folder visibility can defined per team, as well as for the whole system, so you can have different folders for agents who work in different departments of your organization and only make the relevant folders visible for each team. For more information about teams, see Use session settings from a different team.

Controlling Workflow visibility also allows you to hide Workflows that you are in the process of creating and perfecting and only make them available to the agent when they are approved and ready. 

The following shows how to show/hide a Workflow per team, to do the same for the whole system, go to system settings instead of team settings and following the rest of the instructions below.

To show/hide a Workflow:

  1. From the Administration page, click Teams in the left navigation pane.

    The Teams page opens.

  2. Click the edit icon for the team for which you'd like to define Workflow visibility.

    The Edit page opens.

  3. Click Associated Workflows.

    Associated Workflows expands to show all Workflow folders.

  4. Select the Workflows that you would like to show for this team and Click Save.

Move a Workflow or folder

Rearrange your directory by moving Workflows and folders to maintain an adaptable and up-to-date organizational structure. 


You can only move Workflows within 2nd tier/level folders. Folders residing in the Root folder can only be deleted and cannot be moved. 

To move a Workflow or a folder: 

  1. In the Workflows directory page, select Move to from the menu of the Workflow or file to be moved.

    The Move Workflow window appears.

  2. From the left navigation panel, select the folder to which you would like to move the Workflow or folder.

    The Workflow/folder is moved to the selected folder.

Open a Workflow

Open a Workflow from the directory

To find and open an existing Workflow from the Workflow directory:

  1. In the Administration pages navigation bar click Workflows
    from the Home page click Quick access > Workflows.
    The Workflows directory page opens.

  2. Search for the name of the Workflow in the search bar
    locate and click on the desired folder.

  3. Double-click the relevant Workflow.
    The Workflow opens in the Workflow builder.

Open a recently edited Workflow

To open a recently edited Workflow:

From the Administration Home page, under Recent Workflows, click the relevant Workflow.

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