Create Workflows
  • 12 Aug 2024
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Create Workflows

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Article summary

In this article you'll learn about the following steps of creating a Workflow: 

  • Create a new Workflow - How to start creating a Workflow, add and connect items, and save it.

  • Add customer journey items - Set up the main building blocks of the customer journey: Forms, PDF Templates, Dynamic Documents, and document requests.

  • Add verification items - Qualify your customer with photo ID and phone verification steps.

  • Add conditional items - Automate how the Workflow behaves, based on customer inputs using switches, condition hubs, and functions.

For an introduction to Lightico Workflows, see Getting started with automated Workflows.

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Create a new Workflow

To create a new Workflow:

  1. In the Lightico Administration page, in the left pane, click Workflow > Workflow. The Workflow directory page opens.

  2. Select an existing folder in the left pane or click the new folder button to create a new folder.

  3. Click the new Workflow button.

  4. Enter a name for your Workflow and click Launch.

    A new Workflow canvas opens.

  5. Add items to your Workflow in one of the following 2 ways:

    • From the left pane, under Insert drag the item to the desired location on the canvas.

    • On the canvas, right-click the desired location and select the relevant item from the menu.

  6. Select an item to edit it in the right panel and context menu.

    For specific details about adding and configuring each item, see the next section.

  7. Connect your Workflow items by selecting the first item and dragging a connector line to the second item.

    To delete the connector, select it, and then click the red x.

  8. Drag the End item to the canvas and connect the last step to the End Item

  9. Click Publish.


    To save a draft without making the changes available to agents or to save changes without publishing them, click Save Draft.
    Also, see Restoring a previous version.

Duplicate a Workflow

You may need to create a new Workflow based on a previously designed one. You can easily do this by creating a copy of the original and editing it. 

To duplicate a Workflow:

  1. In the Workflow directory page, select Duplicate from the menu of the Workflow to be duplicated.

    The Edit Workflow name window appears.

  2. Change the Workflow name if desired and click Duplicate.

    The file is duplicated and appears in the directory.

Add customer journey items

The different types of items that can be added are:


Forms are used to capture customer information during a Workflow.

For information about creating Forms, see Create Forms.

To add a Form to your Workflow:

  1. Add the Form item to the canvas.

    The Add item window appears.

  2. Select the Form you want to add, and click Add


    Click Create new and create a new Form in the Form designer.

    The Form is added to the canvas.

Edit the Form step

After adding the Form item to the Workflow canvas, you can select it, and, in the right panel, edit it as follows:

  • Edit - click Edit to open the Form builder and make changes to the Form.

  • Step name - Click the edit icon and change the name that appears for this step in the collaboration room

  • Assign to - Select Agent from the dropdown to require the agent, rather than the customer to fill in the Form before the Workflow is added to the session.


    You can only define an agent Form if it is the first step in the Workflow.

Use the context menu above the selected item to do the following:

  • Edit the Form in the Form builder

  • Replace this Form with another one

  • Duplicate this step

  • Delete this step

PDF Template

PDF Templates are PDF files that are enhanced in the Lightico PDF Template builder to enable inserting customer data, signing the document, and adding additional participants.


The following is not currently supported for inclusion in Workflows: 

  • PDFs where the agent must add a corporate stamp

For more information about creating PDF Templates, see New PDF Builder: Getting started with the PDF Builder.

To add a PDF Template to your Workflow:

  1. Add the PDF item to the canvas.

    The Add Item window appears.

  2. Select the PDF Template you want to add, and click Add


    Click Create and create a new PDF Template in the PDF Template Builder.

    The PDF Template is added to the canvas.

Edit the PDF Template step

After adding the PDF Template item to the Workflow canvas, you can select it, and, in the right panel, edit it as follows:

  • Edit - click Edit to open the PDF in the PDF Template builder and make changes


    PDF Templates created in the old PDF Template builder cannot be edited from the Workflow builder.

In the settings tab:

In the participants tab you can change participant labels (see Create multi-signer Workflow).

Use the context menu above the selected item to do the following:

  • Edit the Form in the Form builder

  • Replace this Form with another one

  • Duplicate this step

  • Delete this step

Dynamic Document

In Dynamic Documents, you can incorporate conditions and business logic to determine how the document appears to your customers. Within a Workflow, the Dynamic Document is rendered as a PDF and you can define whether to send the PDF to customers for approval and download. 

For information about creating Dynamic Documents, see Create dynamic documents.


Dynamic documents can only be used in a customer Workflow when at least one section of the document is bound to a Form. For more information, see Design dynamic documents.

To add a Dynamic Document to your Workflow:

  1. Add the Dynamic Doc item to the canvas.

    The Add Item window appears.

  2. Select the Dynamic Document you want to add, and click Add


    Click Create and create a new Dynamic Document in the HTML Designer.

    The Dynamic Document is added to the canvas. 

Edit the Dynamic Document step

After adding the Dynamic Document item to the Workflow canvas, you can select it, and, in the right panel, edit it as follows:

  • Edit - click Edit to open the Dynamic Document in the HTML builder and make changes

  • Step name - Click the edit icon and change the name that appears for this step in the collaboration room

Use the context menu above the selected item to do the following:

  • Edit the Form in the Form builder

  • Replace this Dynamic Document with another one

  • Duplicate this step

  • Delete this step

Document Request

The Document Request step allows you to obtain essential supporting documentation from customers. Whether it’s financial statements, legal forms, or personal ID documents, this step ensures that the required materials are promptly submitted.

Preparing to add a Document Request to a Workflow

Before adding a Document Request step to a Workflow, you’ll need to do the following:

How to add a Document Request step

  1. Drag the Document Request item from the left pane.
    The Document request dialog box opens.

  2. In the left pane, select the category of Document Requests to filter the list of document types or select All.

  3. In the middle pane, select documents that you want to request from the customer.


    If the document includes data extraction, an icon is displayed next to the document. You can click on the icon to see which Attributes are bound to the extraction results.

    The selected items appear in the right panel.

  4. Click the x next to any of the selected items to remove them from this step.

  5. Click Done.

    The Document Request item is added to the canvas and displays the number of documents you included in that step.

Edit the Document Request step

After adding the Document Request item to the Workflow canvas, you can select it, and, in the right panel, edit it as follows:

Step name - Click the edit icon and change the name that appears for this step in the collaboration room

  • Included documents - Shows which documents are being requested; click Edit list to add or remove documents

  • Description for agent - (optional) Provide an explanation of this step for the agent to help them understand what documents are required; this is particularly helpful when you allow agents to select and create custom documents (see next settings and below)

  • Allow agent selection - Allow agents to select which documents from the defined list are required

  • Allow custom documents - Allow agents to add custom documents to the required list

Use the context menu above the selected item to do the following:

  • Duplicate this step

  • Delete this step

Empowering agents to select and create documents

The types of documents that are included in a Document Request step are defined by the Administrator/BC that creates the Workflow. However, you may have a Workflow that requires flexibility for which documents are included in the final required list that is sent to the customer. In this case, the Administrator can allow agents to edit the list of documents and even to create custom ones as they are adding the Workflow to the session (see Send a Workflow that requires agent input.

To empower agents to select and create documents:

After adding the Document Request step to the Workflow, turn on the relevant settings in the right panel (see Allow agent selection and Allow custom documents above).

External document

You can create a Workflow that includes documents that are uploaded on the fly during a Lightico session. The External Document item provides a designated space for the required PDF documents in the Workflow. Agents are prompted to upload the necessary documents before sending the Workflow to customers. 

See Add external documents in a Workflow, for more information.

Custom integration

A custom integration is a third-party service that can be used to generate and retrieve important information in the course of a Workflow.

For more information, see Add a custom integration step to a Workflow.


Add a payment item to your Workflow to seamlessly collect payments within the context of your customer journeys.

For more information, see Add a payment step to a Workflow.

Add verification items

Verification items enable you to verify the identity of the customer and determine whether they are qualified to proceed with the steps that follow.

You can add the following types of verification items to a Workflow: 

  • Photo ID Verification

  • Phone Verification

For more information, see Customer verification as a Workflow step.

Add conditional items

Conditional items enable you to control how the Workflow behaves, based on customer inputs. For example, present different versions of a contract to customers according to the state that they live it, or end the session for underage customers.

You can add the following types of conditional items to a Workflow:

  • Switch - Splits the Workflow into multiple paths arranged according to priority. The customer is guided down the first path for which they meet its conditional terms.

  • Condition Hub - Creates a hub of multiple Workflow paths.  Customer is guided down every path for which they meet the its condition terms.

  • Function - Derive new information about the customer from existing data. For example, calculate the age of the customer from their date of birth. Use the result of the function in a subsequent step in the workflow.

For more information, see Add conditional Workflow items.

Restoring a previous version

Every time you publish a Workflow, a new version is created and the previous version is saved. You can view all version information in the Version history tab on the left side of the Workflow builder.

To restore a previous version:

Click the version you would like to restore.

The selected Workflow appears on the canvas.


If you have unsaved changes, a message appears asking you to save them before you exit.

Define how the documents are saved

You can define whether each Workflow document is saved as its own file or if all the documents are combined into one PDF. This affects the following:

  • Automatic saving of the Workflow in the system

  • Downloading a draft before the Workflow is completed

  • Downloading a completed Workflow

  • Saving an initial copy of a campaign Workflow (see Run a campaign)

To combine all documents in a Workflow into one PDF:

In system settings, under Session > Tools > Workflow, turn on the Combine PDF toggle.


We recommend defining a watermark for all incomplete documents to make it clear that they are drafts and not completed. See Allow agents and customers to download incomplete documents.

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