Release Notes July 7, 2024
  • 15 Jul 2024
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Release Notes July 7, 2024

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  • PDF

Article summary


Discontinuing old PDF Template builder for creating Templates

Starting with this release, Lightico users will no longer be able to create new PDF Templates in the old PDF builder. Existing PDF Templates that were created in the old builder can still be edited in the old builder.

For more information see Deprecation notice - old PDF Template builder.

New features

This release includes the following new feature:

Prevent using text message channel

If you need to avoid sending text messages because of regulations, this release offers a new system/team setting (under Session > Preferences) to prevent all text messages from being sent to your customer. When text messages are disabled, an agent will not see the option to send the session invitation by text message. Your customer will also not be able to assign or reassign documents via text message.

For more information, see General session preferences.

API Features

Set eVault hub for External Documents

Integrating a document vaulting service with Lightico enables you to automatically store an authoritative copy of documents completed in a session. With this release, we’ve added a parameter to the Upload External Document (v28.1) endpoint for defining an eVault service for storing this document after it is completed in a session.

For more information, see the Upload External Document (v28.1) endpoint in the Lightico Developer Center.


Customer completion notifications without attachments

With this release you have more control over notifications sent when a customer completes a Workflow or PDF. You can still choose whether to send email notifications to the agent or a custom email. In addition to that, we’ve added the flexibility to choose whether to attach the completed documents to the email. This lets you notify about the Workflow's status while not sharing the actual document.

Note that these system/team settings have been added to the Session > Document handling section and the section name has changed from Send completed documents to to Notify on customer completion.

For more information, see Document handling.

More options for customizing file names

In this release we’ve added the following variables for customizing the internal file naming convention for PDF Templates, External Documents and Dynamic Documents. The last two options were also added to uploaded Document Request file names:

  • #DOCUMENT_CODE# – defined by the BC for each document:

    • For PDF Templates and overlays in the settings tab

    • For Dynamic Documents from the menu in the upper right corner

  • #PAGE_COUNT# – shows how many pages are in a document

  • #UNIQUE_24CHARS# – Lightico generates a unique 24-character string when the file is completed

For more information, see Document handling.


Collaboration room

  • Fixed a freezing issue in a specific Workflow scenario.

  • Session invitations for secondary participants are now triggered in a WF that includes an external multi-sign document using an overlay.

  • Dropdown Attribute values from a form in a WF, are now visible in the agent/customer preview mode.

  • Customize Session summary window works as expected even if Attribute is not set as required.

  • Applied radio button values from a form in a Workflow, are now visible in the agent/customer preview mode and in completed documents.

  • Workflow switch now evaluates based on the current Attribute value in the session.

  • Attributes that appear as black text in HTML now appear also as black in the agent basket view.

  • Resolved issue where a completed Workflow remained in "waiting for agent" statues for one of the participants.

  • Resolved an issue where some session documents were stuck on "Waiting for customer to complete" in the Agent view after all parties had signed.

  • A Workflow function now processes with 00 before a decimal.

  • Agent can now delete a Workflow that has not been accessed by the customer.

  • Resolved an issue with date Attributes in Dynamic Documents where the date shown in the DD would be one day before the actual date that was defined.

  • Resolved an issue where a text attribute field that was configured as align right with spacing enabled, on the final document the value would be displayed backwards.

  • When adding multiple journeys to a visual basket, values from one journey no longer appear in a different journey.


  • The business configurator user role is now able to create/edit workflows in all environments.

  • Defining a default value for one Attribute from another Attribute is now applied properly to the data.

  • A radio button option is now highlighted in the right panel of the PDF builder when you select it in the PDF.

  • Resolved connector display and placement issues in the new Workflow builder.

  • Workflow function Attribute addition window now appears with a frame when using “@”.

  • Resolved issues when using relative time range for a Date Attribute.

  • You can now name or rename a switch condition in a new or existing Workflow.

  • Attributes in a page of a Form can now be moved/dragged to different positions.

  • Auto logout now works even when the user is in settings.

  • When using Cascade and Sort in a form, Attribute ID and Name are now consistently visible.


  • 2-factor verification for settings now works as expected.

System Usage

  • Workflows with Multi Signers now correctly record only one completed Workflow in the History Report.


  • Remind Customer v28.1 endpoint now documented correctly.

Release timeline




July 7, 2024

7:00 AM UTC

July 8, 2024

9:00 PM UTC

July 23, 2024

11:00 PM UTC

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