Customer verification as a Workflow step
  • 28 Jun 2024
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Customer verification as a Workflow step

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Article summary

This article explains the options for adding a customer verification step to a Workflow.

At any point in your Workflow you can include a step that verifies the identity of the customer and determines whether the customer is qualified to proceed with the steps that follow.

Illustration of Photo IDV on a customer mobile device

Results of the verification

You can use the verification pass/fail results in the following ways: 

  • Connect the verification step to two different elements, one for a pass result and the other for a fail result. For example, if the customer passes the verification they advance to an eSign step and if they fail, the Workflow ends.

  • Map the pass/fail result to a boolean attribute (see below) and use the result in the Workflow as a condition.

Lightico supports the following types of identity verification: 

Photo ID verification

Photo IDV (ID Verification) enables you to:

  • Verify that a photo ID is authentic.

  • Verify the customer identity by comparing a capture of their photo ID to a selfie taken during this verification step.

  • Extract data from the photo ID.

To create photo IDV Document Requests, see Create Document Requests.

Photo IDV is only supported when the customer joins the session from a mobile device. See Joining the session from a computer below for options when the customer joins from a computer or laptop.

To add a photo IDV step to a Workflow:

  1. Drag the Photo ID verification element from the right pane.
    The Photo ID verification dialog box opens.

  2. Select one or more of the photo ID verification documents.


    Verification is performed on only one of the documents, selecting more than one document enables the customer to choose one of the options.

  3. To verify the identity of the customer by comparing their ID photo with a selfie, turn on the Compare identity with selfie toggle.

  4. To enable the agent to download an image file of the photo ID, turn on the Enable photo ID download toggle.

  5. To bind the pass/fail result of the verification to a Boolean attribute, select an attribute from the Authentication result dropdown.

  6. Click Done.

  7. Connect the Photo ID element to one element for a Pass result and one for a Fail result.


    If you would like the Workflow to advance to the same step regardless of the verification result, connect both the Pass and Fail connections to the same step.

  8. After adding the Photo ID verification element to the Workflow canvas, you can select it and edit it as follows:

    • To edit any of the settings, click the edit button and make the changes in the Photo ID verification dialog box.

    • To duplicate or delete the document request, select it, click the 3 dots and select the relevant action from the context menu.

    • To rename this step in the Workflow, click the Step Name and edit it. This is the step name that is displayed for the agent and customer during the session. 

    Photo IDV has been successfully added to the Workflow.

Customers who join the session from a computer

Photo IDV can be performed only from a mobile device. If the customer joins from a computer or laptop they cannot proceed with the Workflow.

The following are options to consider when designing a Workflow for customers who join the session from a computer:

Customer requests a new invitation

In a typical IDV step with only a pass or fail outcome, the customer encounters the message below if they entered the session from a computer. They can then click Send me a new invite to receive another invitation for joining the session from their mobile device.


“Send me a new invite” button will appear only if the session holds the customer’s email.

Including a “no mobile” option

If you regularly have customers who do not own or do not have access to a mobile device, you can add a “no mobile” option to the Photo IDV step.

To include a “no mobile” option in an IDV Workflow step:

  1. After adding the IDV step to the Workflow (see above) select the IDV item and click the edit icon.

  2. In the dialog box, select Allow ‘no mobile’ device path and click Done.

  3. Connect the Photo ID verification item to the next step in your Workflow and, in the dialog box, select the No mobile device path.


    You can make the next step a standard Document Request step and manually check the customer’s uploaded ID.

  4. Click Connect.

    The “no mobile” option is included in your Workflow.

Phone-based verification

You can use phone-based identity verification in a Workflow to authenticate the customer before entering the Workflow or before performing a specific step in the Workflow. You can also define what happens if the verification fails and bind the pass/fail result to an attribute for use in some other part of the Workflow. For example, you can use the pass/fail result in a switch element further on in the Workflow or create a condition in a dynamic document.

To add a phone-based verification step to a Workflow:

  1. From the Add Item tab, add the Phone Verification element. 

    The Bind verification... dialog box appears.

  2. Optionally, select a boolean (true/false) attribute or select None from the dropdown and click Done.

    By default, the Phone Verification element is added and connected to the start of the Workflow.

  3. Connect the Phone Verification element to one element for when the customer passes the verification and to another one for when they fail.
    Pass = phone number is valid and the customer entered the correct OTP; Fail = phone number is not valid OR phone number is valid but the customer entered the wrong OTP (number of tries is defined in the integration hub.)


Alternatively, you can connect to the same element for pass and fail - then use the boolean attribute from the previous step to define how the verification result affects the Workflow. 

Phone-based verification has been added to the Workflow.

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