Release May 5, 2024
  • 20 May 2024
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Release May 5, 2024

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Article summary

New features

This release includes the following new features:

Agent control for collecting documentation in a Workflow

Now, Business Configurators can empower agents to adjust Document Requests based on specific customer needs. When building the Workflow, the BC creates a list of documents to collect and enables the agent to adjust it. In the session, the agent can select only those documents that are relevant to the current customer. In addition, the Business Configurator can allow agents to define custom Document Requests for cases where standard options are not sufficient. There is no difference in the customer experience between the custom requests and the preconfigured ones, providing a seamless and adaptable collection process.

For more information see:

Streamline communication with embedded sessions

By default, starting a session from the agent console automatically triggers a customer invitation. The new Use embedded sessions system/team setting (Session > Preferences) enables you to prevent this occurrence. When this setting is activated, an agent cannot trigger a Lightico invitation either at the start or when renewing the session. This ensures that when you send an invitation from your external service, the customer does not receive a duplicate invitation email from Lightico. You can allow agents access to the invitation link for sharing with the customer themselves.

For more information see:

Embed videos in HTML and Forms

You can now embed online videos in Dynamic Documents and Rich Text sections of Forms, adding another dimension to your customer communication. Customers can play videos and use the player features in a session from within the Dynamic Document or Form.


Enhanced HTML Editor

We've upgraded the HTML editor used in Dynamic Documents and Rich Text sections of Forms to solve some issues and enhance your user experience.

Customer adds optional participants

Until now, an agent could pass on the job of assigning participant contact information to the customer/primary participant. The customer would then be required to provide all requested participants to continue their journey. Now, an agent can include optional participants in a Workflow. enabling the customer to choose how many are included in the signing. In cases where additional participants are the decision of the customer, such as a rep for a financial institution, they can take responsibility for including them and adding their contact information.

For more information, see Add contact information for additional participants.

IDV path for no mobile device

Previously, a customer without a mobile device could not proceed with a Workflow that included IDV (ID Verification) . Now, in addition to pass and fail, the IDV step item in the Workflow builder can include an option for no mobile device access. The BC sets the appropriate next step in this case.

For more information, see Customer verification as a Workflow step.

IDV consent text update

The text of the IDV customer consent page has been changed. The length of retention of IDV information now reads 90 days instead of 3 years.


Collaboration room

  • Payment value can now be seen if foreground color is white.

  • Fixed an issue where conditional objects in Dynamic Documents (HTML) were seen in the preview but not in final document download.

  • Fixed an issue with agent Forms where the label text was not wrapping up as expected.

  • Fixed an issue where in some cases data was missing from completed documents in a Workflow.

  • Fixed issue with status update in agent and customer side UI.

  • Session summary Form now saves as expected.


  • Forms that contain an Attribute in a Rich Text section now function properly.

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes you were unable to select dataset rows in a a Workflow switch item.

  • Creating an ID value other than 1 for a single checkbox now updates the Attribute when the checkbox is used in a Form.


  • In a Dynamic Workflow (v28.1), an agent signature was required even when the document had no agent signature field.

  • When starting a session via the API, the customer URL provided in the Session created event now accesses the session properly.


  • Events in state of In progress can now be replayed.

Release timeline




May 5, 2024

7:00 AM UTC

May 6, 2024

9:00 PM UTC

May 21, 2024

11:00 PM UTC

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