Old PDF Builder: Customize wording of customer UI
  • 28 Feb 2023
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Old PDF Builder: Customize wording of customer UI

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Article summary

This article refers to the old PDF builder. As of July 7, 2024 the old Builder supports only editing existing Template that were created there. You can no longer create new PDF Templates. Please use the new PDF builder to edit and create your Templates.


You can create templates that change the default wording of button labels and messages that appear in the customer UI when completing a PDF form. Wording templates apply to preconfigured PDF templates and ad hoc PDFs with an overlay template.

For example, you can change the label on the Approve button to read I Approve.

You can also customize some of the wording on the audit trail. For example, you can change "esigned" to "digitally signed".

In the  Customizations > Wording page you'll find a table of all wording that can be changed in the UI and audit trail.

A wording template only affects the specific PDF or overlay template to which you associate it (see below).


Here is an outline of the steps for customizing wording of the customer UI for a template-based document:

  1. Create a custom wording template
  2. Associate the wording template to a document

Create a custom wording template

  1. In the Administration screen, go to Customizations > Wording and click New Template.
  2. Name the template and click Create.

    The template configuration page opens with a table of all customizable UI and audit trail elements.
  3. Add custom text to a field in the Value column.
  4. Delete the custom text to return to the System Default text.
  5. Click Reset to return to the last saved version of the text.
  6. After making all your changes, click Save.
    The wording template is saved.

Associate the wording template to a document

For each PDF template, you can select a wording template with its own unique wording. This wording template defines wording of the UI elements when this PDF template is sent.

To associate the wording template to a PDF template:

  • In the PDF Builder Formatting tab for the relevant document, turn on the Wording template toggle and select the template from the pop-up that appears.

Table of Wording Changes

Below is a table of all the UI and audit trail elements that can be defined in a wording template. The same table (without the screenshots) appears in the wording template editing page (see above).

Document Approval

Name of UI elementDefault textScreenshot
A) Approve Document label in the collaboration roomDocument to approve
B) Approve button label Approve
C) Approve consent Accept button labelYes
D) Approve consent Decline button labelNo
E) Approve consent textBy selecting YES, I agree that my approval will be the electronic representation of my signature for all purposes. Especially when I use it on documents, including legally binding contracts exactly like my pen-and-paper signature.
F) Approve titleApproval

Audit Trail

Name of audit trail elementDefault TextScreenshot
A) Audit action approvedapproved 
B) Audit action e-signede-signed
C) Audit action lockedlocked
D) Audit action viewedviewed
E) Audit approved statusAPPROVED
F) Audit signed statusSIGNED

Download only document

Name of UI elementDefault textScreenshot
A) Download button labelDownload
B) Download only titleDownloading

Esign document (for template-based and ad hoc documents with overlay)

Name of UI elementDefault TextScreenshot
A) Esign opening screen titlePlease review and sign the following document
B) eSign opening screen subtitle NA
A) Esign closing screen titleYour documents have been submitted
B) eSign closing screen subtitle NA
A) Sign button label Sign
B) Sign title Review
C) Sign consent Accept button label Yes
D) Sign consent Decline button label Decline
E) Sign consent text By selecting YES, I agree that the signature will be the electronic representation of my signature for all purposes. Especially when I use it on documents, including legally binding contracts exactly like as my pen-and-paper signature.

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