Release February 4, 2024
  • 05 Feb 2024
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Release February 4, 2024

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Article summary

What's new

This release includes the following new features:

Payment step in a Workflow

With our latest update, you now have the flexibility to include a payment step as part of a Workflow. Previously, the agent or API could only send a stand-alone payment request to the customer.

For more information, see Add a payment step to a Workflow.

Payment actions in a Lightico session require integration with a third-party payment gateway provider. See Set Up Payment Gateway Integration.

Agent signs last in a Workflow

Until now, if there were any documents that an Agent needed to sign they had to do so at the beginning of the Workflow. Now, you can configure the Workflow so that the Agent can sign last. After the customer and additional participants have finished their part, the Agent is notified. They can then review and sign any relevant documents.

For more information about creating Workflows, see Create workflows.

For more information about an Agent signing documents in a session, see Send a Workflow that requires agent input.

Fixes and improvements

  • [Payment] CVV field is now validated for minimum of 3 and maximum of 4 digits.

  • [Workflows] Users with Team Supervisor role can now send Workflows to a session.

  • [Workflows] Users with Profile Admin role can now send Workflows that contain both a form and an external document to a session.

  • [Workflows] Dynamic Documents will now display the date format in the customer view according to the configuration.

  • [Workflows] Page visibility conditions can now be set in an agent Form.

  • [Workflows] Workflow switches now support the “contains” condition operator.

  • [Workflows] Required conditions for an Attribute can now work together with Attribute validation.

  • [Workflows] In some cases, Workflow connections disappeared when reopening a saved Workflow. This is now fixed.

  • [Notifications] Customized email templates for notifications can now be uploaded in settings.

  • [Integrations] Improvements in data passed in the Participant Reassigned event.

  • [IDV] When using iOS 17 for taking a selfie, an oval indicator will now be displayed similar to other mobile device experiences.

  • [Session] Improvements in websocket handling in an iFrame hosted session.

Release timeline




February 4, 2024

7:00 AM UTC

February 5, 2024

10:00 PM UTC

February 14, 2024

12:00 AM UTC


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